Megher Chaya by Humayun Ahmed is a popular Bangla novel book and the main hero of this book is Shuvro. Shovro is sitting on the bed and there is a coil beside his bed.
If you read the Bangla book, you will get total 14 Parts.
You know, the meaning of Shuvro is White colour. There is a problem of the main hero of this book.
He has a critical disease for a long time and he is suffering from this diseases.
His parents are trying to take care of him with properly.
The story of this book is like a story of our life to circle story.
So, if you want to download this Bangla book, you just need to click the below link.
If you read the Bangla book, you will get total 14 Parts.
You know, the meaning of Shuvro is White colour. There is a problem of the main hero of this book.
He has a critical disease for a long time and he is suffering from this diseases.
His parents are trying to take care of him with properly.
The story of this book is like a story of our life to circle story.
So, if you want to download this Bangla book, you just need to click the below link.